How can an intact environment and efficient agriculture be reconciled? How can the security of the food supply be guaranteed without increasing the use of pesticides and decreasing biodiversity at the same time? The EU-funded REACT project contributes to answering these questions by exploring new ways of pest control using the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT).
The plan is for infertile males to mate with females in areas where insect infestations threaten crop yields, thereby producing no offspring. In the medium and long term, this will lead to a reduction in the insect population and thus to the containment of the plague. All this happens without pesticides and is an alternative way to protect fruit and vegetable production and biodiversity in Europe and elsewhere.
Oikoplus takes care of the target group oriented communication in REACT. From the visual identity of the project, to the website and social media channels, to targeted campaigns to engage farmers, from citizen science to layman-friendly project publications, we ensure that REACT’s innovative research approaches and technology reach their target groups on three continents.