RL #044: A Reading List to Demystify Machine Learning
Machine learning shapes much of our world, yet many of us understand little about how it works. We remain in…
RL #043: Protecting Biodiversity through Private Investment
Biodiversity benefits us all – but it seems to also have to bring in money. How can capital be put…
RL #042: Unprecedented Measures to Strengthen the Resilience of Nature
Europe is at a turning point. The natural world, so important for our health and well-being, is facing huge challenges. Even…
RL #041: Space industry is changing – Europe is taking a strategic approach to maintain its role in it
Space industry is undergoing rapid change. At Oikoplus, we are accompanying this change. And in Reading List #041, we hint…
RL #040: Retractions – Recapturing published misinformation
In 1998, Andrew Wakefield published a study entitled Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children. In the…
RL #039: Immersive Experiences in Science Communication
Immersive experiences are very popular as a tool for science communication. Do they keep their promises? When I was ten…
RL #038: Think like a Think Tank – Communicating with Political Impact
In this reading list, we want to look at the communication methods think tanks use to bring science into politics….
RL #037: 10 Learnings from Science Communication
What can we learn from science communication? A reading list based on the experiences of the first five years of…
RL #036: OIKOPLUS: Five years of communication
Established 18.09.2018 Setting up a company can be risky, especially without prior experience. It requires the assistance of a tax…
RL #035: On Innovation and Exnovation
In the last Oikoplus Reading List, Michael Anranter took a critical look at innovation culture and innovation communication. We discussed…
RL #034: Innovation; or Conscientization
In this Reading List, I approach innovation and the transmission of knowledge with the aim of innovation. Starting with thoughts…
RL #033: The Language(s) of Science
In this Oikoplus Reading List we present good reads from the web touching on the question of language in science….